Tuesday, December 9, 2008

They Really Do Love Each Other!

My kids can fight like nothing you've ever seen. I know that's normal. But, I'm sure most of us moms secretly wonder sometimes if they will ever get along or just despise each other forever. Well, I had a moment this weekend that eased a few of my fears in this area.
I should probably start with a little background information. Ever since Chase was potty trained he has been very particular about who can help him in the bathroom. Basically, Randy and I are the only ones who get that honor. Regardless of where he is (church, preschool, playdates at friends houses, whatever), he will not let anyone else help him. This can pose obvious problems at times. Well, Sunday was one such day.
Randy and I were given tickets to go to the Denver Bronco game on Sunday. The kids went home from church with friends who were then going to bring them back up to the church in the evening for the Kids Choir concert. We would meet them there. Well, Randy and I ran into a lot of traffic driving back from Denver and were cutting it close on getting there on time (as usual).
Evidently, right before the concert was to start Chase had an "accident". My dear friend, Kelly (whose house my kids went to and Chase's preschool teacher at church), took him into the bathroom and tried to help him get cleaned up. Chase was so upset. He wouldn't let her help him and kicked her hands away when she tried to help him with his pants. He just cried and cried and said he wanted Kaleigh. Realizing she was getting nowhere, Kelly asked our children's minister to go get Kaleigh out of the last minute rehearsal for the concert. She did so and Kaleigh came to help Chase calm down. He let Kelly and the children's minister help him as long as Kaleigh was there. Once they were done, Kaleigh needed to go back to the rehearsal. Well, Chase was devastated. He cried and cried because he wanted to be with Kaleigh. Then, Kaleigh started crying because she didn't want to leave Chase while he was so upset. I hear it was quite a little scene. Shortly after this Randy and I arrived at the church to a tearful Chase sitting in the pews and a puffy-eyed Kaleigh singing in the concert.

My heart was so warmed by this little incident. First, there is the obvious. I love that Chase wanted his big sister for comfort when his mommy and daddy weren't there, and I love that Kaleigh came willingly to help. The second is not quite so obvious. Anyone who knows Kaleigh knows that she LOVES to sing more than just about anything else. She sings all the time and had been looking forward to and preparing for her concert for several months. She was so excited about it. The thought that Kaleigh was crying because she didn't want to leave her brother even though it would mean potentially missing part of her concert just makes me tingly all over and gives me the urge to do a happy dance (don't worry, I resisted).

It all worked out well, and Kaleigh sang beautifully in the concert. The pictures of her singing may not be the best, but when I look at the puffy eyes my heart will once again be warmed at the reminder that they really do love each other.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Nativity for Little Hands

We have a beautiful Nativity set that we put out every Christmas. The kids have always loved looking at it, but this year Chase has not been able to keep his hands off of it. The sheep will suddenly disappear along with the water jugs from the camels backs. Mary is nowhere to be found, and Joseph is in the stable with his nose in the corner. Finally, Randy suggested I go buy a kid's nativity set that will survive the various adventures that Mary, Joseph and the poor animals seem destined to take.

I have to tell you it has been a worthwhile investment. I found one at Mardel's Christian Stores and it has been a hit. Those little figurines have been in the belly of Chase's garbage truck, slept in a bed in the dollhouse in the basement and even had the privilege of riding shot gun in the Tonka helicopter. But aside from all those fun things, it has been a great tool to stimulate conversation about the birth of Jesus. We have talked about everyone who came to see Jesus, why he was in a stable and what the angels thought about the whole thing. It is amazing how much kids learn and retain when they have something tangible to associate with the information.

Last night Chase was playing with the nativity set and I asked him what he thought the angels were doing. He said" Well, they use to be able to fly, but I'm pretending the shepherds stole their powers." Then he ran off down the hall with his flying shepherds.

I guess I will try again another time...