Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Nativity for Little Hands

We have a beautiful Nativity set that we put out every Christmas. The kids have always loved looking at it, but this year Chase has not been able to keep his hands off of it. The sheep will suddenly disappear along with the water jugs from the camels backs. Mary is nowhere to be found, and Joseph is in the stable with his nose in the corner. Finally, Randy suggested I go buy a kid's nativity set that will survive the various adventures that Mary, Joseph and the poor animals seem destined to take.

I have to tell you it has been a worthwhile investment. I found one at Mardel's Christian Stores and it has been a hit. Those little figurines have been in the belly of Chase's garbage truck, slept in a bed in the dollhouse in the basement and even had the privilege of riding shot gun in the Tonka helicopter. But aside from all those fun things, it has been a great tool to stimulate conversation about the birth of Jesus. We have talked about everyone who came to see Jesus, why he was in a stable and what the angels thought about the whole thing. It is amazing how much kids learn and retain when they have something tangible to associate with the information.

Last night Chase was playing with the nativity set and I asked him what he thought the angels were doing. He said" Well, they use to be able to fly, but I'm pretending the shepherds stole their powers." Then he ran off down the hall with his flying shepherds.

I guess I will try again another time...


Jane Anne said...

You did the best thing-- now he can enjoy the nativity (however he wants!). Fisher Price makes a great Little People Nativity. Let me know if you want a link to it. We get the FP catalog but I think Toysrus sells a version online.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the "flying shepherds" have Mary. :) So cute!