Saturday, May 9, 2009

5K Day

There is a 5K near our neighborhood that isn't a super-exciting race but does have a few perks. The main one being that the race ends in the Sky Sox (our AAA baseball team) Stadium with everyone in the stands cheering you on. It also has a Kids Fun Run where the kids run a full lap around the stadium with Sox the Fox leading the way. It really is a neat little run. I ran the 5K today and the kids did the Fun Run so I thought I would share some pictures.
Here is me and the kids after my race and before theirs.

Pre-Race stretching...

Kaleigh on the home stretch...

Chase on the home stretch...

Fun prizes after the race...

The kids with Sox the Fox (the highlight for them!)
It was a nice start to the day! :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Double Digits

Kaleigh entered the world of double digits on March 11th. That was just the start of several days worth of festivities. We started it off by taking cupcakes to Kaleigh's school that day. Her teacher made her wear "The Birthday Hat" during the festivities. Kaleigh wasn't too crazy about it, but she complied.

We then came home and opened presents from family. She got a new digital camera, an American Girl doll, all kinds of Hannah Montana stuff and a High School musical Wii game as well as money. She was thrilled with everything! I meant to take a picture of Kaleigh and all her goods but I forgot. Here are just a few snapshots...

After that we went to Golden Corral for dinner (Kaleigh's choice, NOT ours! Randy and I call it the Golden Trough because we feel like cattle being herded in for fattening. Sorry to leave you with that image! )We then went to TeamKid at church where Kaleigh celebrated with yet another batch of cupcakes!
On Saturday, Kaleigh had her birthday party at a local place called ITZ. It's very similar to Incredible Pizza if you know what that is. They have a pizza buffet and a huge game room with all kinds of rides and activities. The girls all had a blast. Their favorite ride was the Kite Flyer. They pretty much did that the whole time. I've included some pictures of the girls around the Kite Flyer since that's really what the party was all about.

After having fun with all the games, the girls ate pizza and dessert and Kaleigh opened all her presents. They all had a really great time!

Kaleigh really wanted to have an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins for her party, but that obviously wouldn't work at ITZ. I had visions of melting ice cream flowing down the halls with people and pizza flying all over the place as they slide in the goo. Nope. We don't have enough insurance for that!
So, later we surprised Kaleigh with an individual birthday cone from Baskin Robbins. She thought it was pretty cool and we were off the hook!

All in all, Kaleigh had a great birthday and is equally as spoiled as Chase. I think we are going to have to pull the reins in on all this spoiling! Randy and I are just glad to have survived the 2 weeks of birthday madness and are NOT counting down the days until next March!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chase's Birthday Weekend

I can't believe Chase turned 5 on Sunday! Where have these past 5 years gone?? I remember so vividly seeing him for the very first time. I was instantly in love. He has certainly changed a lot since then, but I still love him like crazy!
Chase chose to have his birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese this year. We really tried to talk him out of it (I felt overstimulated just thinking about it), but it was no use. So, we spent Saturday morning at Chuck E. Cheese with Chase and six of his friends. Here are some pictures...
On Sunday morning (his real birthday) we took cupcakes to his class at church. They all sang Happy Birthday to him and he loved it!
Chase loves scavenger hunts so Randy put together a scavenger hunt for him to find his family birthday presents. He loved it! Randy had him going all over the place. Kaleigh helped Chase read the clues at each spot. It was alot of fun! Here are some pictures of the hunt and the final outcomes...

It was a fun weekend, and I must say that we have one spoiled little boy! We have one weekend off, then it's back to the birthday madness with Kaleigh's birthday. Phew! I will be glad when March is over! More on Kaleigh's birthday after next week...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Back in the Swing of Things

It sure didn't take long for me to blow it on being consistent with my blogging. Maybe I was a little too ambitious thinking I could start a blog right before Christmas! In any case, I am starting anew and will try my best to write a little more frequently than once a month! I have a lot of things I would like to write about, but it feels a little overwhelming at the moment. So, I think I will just start off today with a couple of cute things the kids said and did recently...
*The other day we were driving in the car and heading to a restaurant. I gave the kids some hand sanitizer to clean off a little bit before we got there. Ever the mother hen, Kaleigh was giving Chase lots of "advice" on how best to clean his hands. Chase got frustrated with her and finally said, "Kaleigh, stop it! I don't need your help. I am an expert in hand sanitizers! Actually, I am an expert in lots of things!" Good to know.
*Yesterday, I took Chase to do all the preliminary registration for Kindergarten in the Fall. When we were driving home he said, " Mommy, I'm ready for school now. I have a backpack and some shirts. I think I would like to have some new shirts, though."
*Last month we finally set the kids' computer up with the internet (mainly so that Kaleigh could play Webkinz online and stay off my computer!). Kaleigh then noticed that you could search for things on the internet through Google. She thought that was so cool and couldn't wait for us to help her do it (no unsupervised time on the internet!). Once Randy was able to help her with it the question then became "What will she search for first?" Kids are so observant and inquisitive that the options were limitless. Randy waited in anticipation on the edge of his seat to see what "the first search" would be. Then, with no hesitation, Kaleigh typed in...
"why is the b in lamb silent"
Interesting question, indeed.